Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Final Blog

This is my final Blog for this course.  I learned a lot in this course most of which I enjoyed, completing the Blog assignments was not one of them!  I guess I am challenged in the area of computer technology.  I'm not saying I'm computer illiterate but the Blog stressed me out in the beginning.  I'm getting much better and definately see the benefits of doing one!  What I will take with me into my further teaching endeavors is my newly found awareness to the big picture of education.  I no longer focus on my students, my class, my school, I have been made aware of the global issues and what is happening to our education today.  Being aware is the first step, doing something to help change our ways is what is going to matter.  I will present "my case" of what is important in teaching and teach the way or style that I have and that I know is right for children.
The Blogs became fun to look at and view.  I liked getting to know other peoples perspective on things.  I think each of us brings something different to the class.  Some of us are parents, some of us teach or want to teach, some just took the course to fill their schedule but the differences came through too in the responses and choices that each of made in responding on our Blog.  Again, its that reawakening of how we are different but the same.

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