Thursday, June 23, 2011

Learning is like a RAINBOW! It's a beautiful thing to see, full of color, and has no ending!

I was in highschool when my first revelation about education came about. "To reach the destiny of your painted rainbow", was the phrase that stuck with me to this day. There are many factors that influence a child's learning (environment, parent's, teacher's, income, etc.) but always keep your eye on the sky! Look for your rainbow and always aim for your destiny. This was my goal as a student because I was one of those children that overcame all the obstacles of home life and poverty.
I think that a good teacher would be one that takes the time to know her student's and encourages them to be the best they can be. I think the education system failed me in that sense and that is why I feel it is so important to connect with your students first.  Once you make that conncetion it is like adding the colors to the rainbow and when you have that moment when you know a child learned something new, the sky opened up and they found their rainbow! 
It's the interactions and enthusiasm that you bring into your lessons that will make the impact on their learning, not reading from the text book or dictating what you think is important to teach them.  Children should be heard, their opinions do matter.  Take the time to listen to them and you will learn together!
I learned some important points during this course!  The most important to me is that it's okay not to have one philosophy in teaching.  I compare myself to other teachers and always thought something was wrong with me, like I  was missing something becasue I didn't have the same convictions or expressed them so passsionatley! Being a good teacher is like wearing many hats or being a "juggler".  You have to change with society and adapt to the children in your class.  That's what I love about teaching and it keeps me going!
Another point that I will take with me is that Education in America needs to change.  Not one person can change it but if we all feel that something needs to be done, then we each make our little changes and contributions to a better today which will make an impact on tomorrow!
Lastly,  I have always known this was important but it made me stop and think!  Children don't get time to talk in schools. I'm not talking about "talking with their friends", I'm talking about being heard.  I teach Kindergarten and if anyone knows five and six year olds, they love to talk!  Everyone wants a turn, everyone wants to be heard, all are equally important things to be shared.  Teacher's need to listen!  America is in a hurry, always.  Part of learning is listening.  Plan "talking time" if your a clock watcher and need to schedule time!  Looking back at my most memorable moments in teaching they all were related to conversation!

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