Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Multicultural Education

                 What happens to ethnically diverse students that are "gifted or "talented".
We all are aware of how those who are educationally challenged fall through the cracks but so do the gifted students.  According to Ford (1996) African American, Hispanic American, and Native American gifted students may be under-representation by as much as 50%.  There are probably a dozen reasons for this but most of it comes down to there are very little programs that hep identify gifted students and those tools out there fail for example the standardized testing is proven to be biased.  Students that are ethnically diverse are typically at a disadvantage due to educational, linguistic cultural, environmental, etc. factors that cause disparity in the test performance.

I feel like this is an area that we as educators do not focus on so I wanted to learn more about it.  I am challenged each day in my classroom to teaching 23 children that are 5,6,or 7 years old.  They are all at different levels of learning and it's my job to challenge them and promote their learning.  At the Kindergarten level it's easy to figure out, I think.  When children are bored, they will find something to do and its usually something they shouldn't be doing!  Know your kids.  Challenge them to be all they can be no matter what language, or color skin, or income level, etc.

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