Friday, June 24, 2011

Hot Topic: Nutrition in Schools

          Would you vote for legislation to enforce as a "core" subject a Health and Nutrition Class?
"About 1/3 of children in adolescents-25 million kids-are obese or overweight".  America needs to make changes and it's starting within the schools.  Children typically eat 30-50% of their daily food intake at school, given that they are eating breakfast at some schools and the school's "nutrition" or lack therof needs to improve.
President Obama signed into law in December of 2010, "the Healthy, Hungry-Free Kids Act of 2010".  Michelle Obama leads the campaign "Let's Move" which promotes healthy lifestyles including nutrition and exercise.  Our leaders are aware of chidhood obesity and the health related complications such as Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc. which leads to shorter life expectancies so why aren't we!  We as parent's and teachers need to make that same committment.  In my Kindergarten class, I enforce fruit for snack and all children keep a water bottle(not diposable..we are protecting our earth too)at their desk.  It's a small part but it's a start.  Most children do not drink enough water and I am a huge advocate of water!  Kids learn by doing and by viewing!  We are their role models.  Model the behaviors you want from your children.  If we promote and serve healthy foods in school we are educating children to be healthy!   Health and nutrition should be encouraged and taught in schools.
The US Department of Agriculture is raising the standards for meals served in schools.  They plan on reducing sodium, minimizing saturated fat, establishing calorie maximu and minimum intakes (for the first time!), increase fruits and vegetables, increase whole grains and provide 1% or fat free unflavored milk.  There are challenges with this plan.  A lot of kitchen staff need to be retrained.  Food costs are a concern..why is it that healthy foods typically cost more!
In addition to eating right, exercise is equally important.  Some schools take away recess as a punishment, which always confused me.  Isn't it odd that you would take away recess to those that need it the most(the ones that can't sit still for hours listening to you go on and on and on!!).
I get outraged when I hear about this school or that taking away some of their recess time because they don't have enough time for academics during the day!  Children need to move.  Being healthy is not just about eating right.  We need to move our bodies and get our blood pumping. I would vote for it! 

For more information about the "Lets Move" campaign:
For more information about  School Meal Standards:
Related article:

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